KnowBe4 is the world’s largest integrated platform for security awareness training combined with simulated phishing attacks. Join our more than 65,000 customers to manage the continuing problem of social engineering.
Different size organizations cope with different problems, but all have employees as the weak link in their IT security. The challenges of creating and running an awareness program vary depending on the amount of employees. Please select from the options below and we will suggest best practices for your size/type of organization.
Did you know that 91% of successful data breaches started with a spear phishing attack?
Get your free customized Automated Security Awareness Program with calendar and PDF.
Do your users know what to do when they receive a suspicious email or attachment?
One of the first things hackers try is to see if they can spoof the email address of your CEO.
Is your network effective in blocking ransomware and social engineering attacks?
Did you know 81% of hacking-related breaches used either stolen and/or weak passwords?
Have your users made you an easy target for spear phishing? Find out now!
Find out if your domain has an evil twin with the Domain Doppelgänger tool.